Kaylee grew up in the Midwestern United States, surrounded by a large family. She is the oldest of four children and the second oldest of twenty grandchildren. There were always a lot of babies around! From an early age, she loved babies and was interested in pregnancy and birth. She loved to hear the stories and experiences of her mother, grandmother, and aunts. After getting married and having three babies of her own, she decided it was finally time to pursue a career in something she loved - birth!
As a doula, it is her joy to support women and their families as they bring a new baby into this world. Kaylee has had varied birthing experiences both in the hospital and at home. She can support the soon-to-be-mother, her birth partner, and family in many different ways. This includes providing continuous emotional, physical, and informational support before, during, and immediately after childbirth. She enjoys talking with clients, learning what they need from her as a doula, and doing her best to meet those needs.